Pest Resources

Pest Infestation Prevention Begins with

Pest Prevention Begins with...

What's the first step to prevent pests?

Pest infestation is an unfortunate problem that lots of people in the United States and the world must deal with on a regular basis. Pests, bugs, and the like are everywhere.

They gather in homes, businesses, recreational spaces, and other spots. We are not the only creatures on the planet, and we need pests for some essential functions. That being said, we do not need pests in our homes.

These creatures are intrusive, repulsive, and potentially damaging to structures. And, despite short lifespans, they can reproduce quickly and cause a much bigger problem. Therefore, it is important to know how to deal with them.

cockroach infestation
Cockroach infestions can prove to be costly to handle if they get out of hand

Clean Environment

As your first step to an effective pest management system, you should try to keep food storage places as spotless as possible. Cleaning up food and grime is a great way to prevent infestations. Bugs like to live away from humans, and if you show over time that you are tending to and maintaining your home, they will be less inclined to bother you. Scrubbed spots are not ‘hospitable’ for bugs and insects.

A dirty area, however, is like an invitation for pests to wreak havoc. At first, we suggest you keep a closer eye on the situation than you normally would. Then, over time, as the presence of bugs seems lesser, you can ease back on the prevention process.

What Are Signs of a Pest Infestation?

The signs of a pest infestation are more obvious than you might think. Bird presence is one of the first signs that appears. If more birds are living near your property, it is probably because there are several insects and creatures for them to feed on.

  1. Rodents
  2. Flies
    • Lots of flies around drains, food areas, and bins
  3.  Cockroaches
    • Strong oily odours
    • Small shells that are brown or dark red
    • Small reddish brown droppings
  4. Birds
    • Lots of birds near your property suggests dead insects or creatures to feed on.
    • Too many birds’ nests, birds like to be close to their prey.

You should look at factoring a pest prevention method such as scarecrows for birds as part of your pest management plan.

If any or all of these signs are found, we suggest you look into taking action with a pest exterminator.

How Can Pest Infestation Be Prevented

classic mouse trap
A classic mouse trap can be effective in reducing the risk of an infestation

Pests are common household inhabitants, but there are many steps that we suggest you take in order to properly deal with them in the home. First, there are many bugs like ants and small critters that are attracted to stray food that they can gather from around the average home.

By keeping your food in the correct places and making sure to wipe up after meals and accidents, bugs will be less inclined to wander about the home. Indeed, they will be less inclined to enter in the first place, as they will opt for areas where they can best find the materials they are searching for. And, in addition, killing pests is not a proper response to their presence.

In fact, often times it can end up doing more damage than most homeowners would expect.

What is the Best Way of Deterring Pest Infestation?

clean kitchen space
Keeping your home clean of food debris is one key way to reduce the risk of infestations in your home.

The best way to deter pests in the home is to keep a clean space and watch for the signs of any activity. Insects that have control over houses are often thought of as hard to spot, but that is not necessarily true. A spotless area and environment should be in the early stages of your pest management plan.

There are a few simple things that you should get in the habit of doing to control a pest infestation:

  • Keep spaces clean
  • Check for bugs in cracks and crevices
  • Monitor nearby bird activity
  • Have pest control chemicals handy
  • Be serious about checking your home often.

By doing these things, you can help drive bugs from the home. We would always recommend consulting a pest control expert for help.

Ronald has 25 years of pest control experience under his belt. He scrutinizes each control method, product and process to prevent infestations effectively. 

Read more here.

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